Selected Publications
for their sources)
Stability and performance robustness in control system design
Ph.D Dissertation,
Keio University, Yokahama, Japan,
December 1994
An approach to multirate control design with multiple objectives
Proc. of IFAC 13th World Congress, Vol.C, pp.325-330,
California, USA, July 1996
Design of multirate tracking control systems with division of frequency bonds
(in Japanese)
Proc. of 36th SICE Annual Conf.,
pp. 131-134, Tokushima, Japan, July, 1997
Multi-objective multirate control design
with applications to frequency dividing cooperative control
Technical Report in Computer Science and Systems Engineering,
No.CSSE-2, ISSN 1344-8803, Kyushu Institute of Technology,
May, 1999
Packages for Matlab and instruction documents