Abstracts of Master Theses
March 2003
Multirate designs for faster control of dual-stage actuator in magnetic disk drives
Hiroshi Ishia
March 2002
A Design of Robust Global Stabilizing Controllers for A Class of Pure-Feedback Nonlinear Systems
Satoru Tao
A Multirate Control Design of Frequency Separative Dual-Stage Actuation toward Precise and Fast Magnetic Disk Drives
Takeshi Tanigawa
March 2001
Multirate Control Design of Frequency Separative Dual-Stage Actuator in Magnetic Disk Drives
Shuji Higuchi
March 1999
Simultaneous Design of Controller and Structure: A New Look at Optimizing Generalized Structural Parameters
Koji Teraoka
March 1998
An Approach to Discretization in Simultaneous Design of Structure and Control Systems
Tatsuto Ichiya
Importance of stability region in nonlinear systems control and an approach to robustness analysis and synthsis
Rui Takahashi
March 1997
Performance enhancement by multi-rate control: Deadbeat servomechanism problems
Eiji Miyazako
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