Dr. Shyam Kamal | Kyutech Japan
Dr.Shyam Kamal

Dr. Shyam Kamal

Project Assistant Professor
Department of Systems Design and Informatics
Kyushu Institute of Technology
680-4 Kawazu, Iizuka
Fukuoka 820-8502, Japan
Room No. W 417

Email: kamal@ces.kyutech.ac.jp

valid until July 29, 2016

Global Engineer Lecture Series:

Mathematical Biology: An Introduction: Lecture Slides

Fractional Order Systems: Lecture Slides

DNA Computers: Lecture Slides

Mathematical Modeling of Diabetes: Lecture Slides

How Physics Limits Intelligence?: Lecture Slides

How Different is the Machine from the Brain?: Lecture Slides

Mathematical Modeling of Cancer Growth: Lecture Slides

Lecture Series for Students

Vedic Mathematics: As a part of India's Timeless Culture

SK Seminar Series for Students

Fundamentals of Lyapunov Theory: Part-2

Fundamentals of Lyapunov Theory: Part-1 : Seminar Flyer

Nonlinear Control: An Introduction

Exact Feedback Linearization : Seminar Flyer

Backstepping Control Design : Seminar Flyer

Fundamentals of Sliding Mode Control and Its Applications: Seminar Flyer ; SMC Introduction ; Some Basic Concepts

Supplementary class for Students:

Mathematics and its Application to Control Theory (18 Feb. 2015): Lecture Slides

Private lessons given to short-term foreign students: